
WineTalent Job Hunting Primer: Part 2 – Your Cover Letter

WineTalent Job Hunting Primer

The current employment landscape has a lot of people unexpectedly looking for a job.  Forecasters in the wine industry have been very gloomy about wine sales and consumption.  This has had some companies laying off employees, and many companies being very wary about bringing on new employees.  While this is a trying time, the best thing to do is get your job search started.

Part 2 – The Cover Letter

When you have your resume all cleaned up and sparkly, it’s time to get it in front of hiring managers.  In 2024 that also includes making it readable by an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). I covered this in Part 1 – Your Resume.  Your resume may be read by a human (like this recruiter) or will be entered into an ATS where a bot will determine if you are right for the job.

What does a cover letter do?  Your cover letter is a great way to sell yourself to potential employers. Think of it as your personal elevator pitch, where you concisely present your most compelling attributes and make a case for why you’re the best candidate for the job.

Do you even need to write a cover letter?  I will cop to the fact that I don’t often read cover letters, and instead rely on the information being evident on the resume.  But if I have questions about the resume, or why the person is applying to the job, I will review the letter.  Therefore, it is best to have a well-written cover letter.

What to put in your cover letter: 

  • Your professional goals and objectives
  • Reasons you applied for the position
  • Your career changes
  • Your employment history and gaps
  • Professional accomplishments
  • How you can add value to the company
  • Your relevant skills, unique story, and values
  • Your edge over other job candidates

Can AI write my cover letter?  Yes, it can.  Do I recommend it?  No.  A cover letter is a message to the employer that can bring your resume details to life.  Yes, a good bot can probably write a satisfactory letter, but it will be like all the other AI created letters.  Take the time and write it yourself.  And tailor each letter to the job you are applying to and whenever possible to the person you are sending it to.

Cover letter as attachment or body of an email?  This one can go either way.  While I prefer a message in the email, many people create a cover letter and attach it to the message.  For me this is an extra step, but for many tracking systems it is the preferred way.  If you can, find out what the company prefers.  For me, put it in the email, attach the resume.

Resource for cover letter writing:



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